Web gallery on hold

It is a month since I last posted anything in here but that does not mean that I have not been working.  What I seem to struggle with is reading, thinking, viewing resources on-line AND at the same time writing about it here.  Maybe the sort of note-book that I can just scribble in would have been a better choice for a learning log because this type of blog needs the discipline of sitting down at the computer, putting my thoughts in order, referring to the notes I have made, etc., etc.

The juggling act between the web gallery project and at the same time working on assignment 5 has become too much so I have put the setting up of a web gallery on hold until I finish assignment 5.  Having downloaded 2 different trial versions of potential web galleries, I realise that there is very much more to this than I had imagined.  The fact that they offer ready-made templates to choose from is only the starting point, I can’t it seems, have the template I want in the colour I want so I need to work out exactly what I want my gallery to look like before I start.  I also need to learn about preparing my images for upload, thinking about landscape, portrait or whatever format I decide on and a whole host of other things.  One thing is clear, there will need to be a lot of trial and error before I get something I am happy with.  So, maybe by the time my work goes for assessment will my web gallery be set up but not before I have to submit this assignment to my tutor .


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